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The guiding approach to create the Riverlink park and reconnect the city to the water is a dual one: to “green the center” and “intensify the periphery” In the center, using  the water to create much needed new public spaces and soft links for pedestrians. Using “islands” as main tools to achieve this objective.
In the periphery, points of intensity are introduced at strategic locations along the river as catalyst of growth to create spaces where the City meets the River. The main tools to achieve this objective are called “PORTS”. We envision the “PORT” as a new typology of public spaces for Moscow, with its own characteristics and experiences, as a new positive addition to Moscow’s city life. The Park, the Square and the Boulevard are well known types of public spaces in Moscow. 


The port is an edge, and a destination. It is a space enclosed on one side and wide open on the other. The experience of being on an edge is a unique setting creating specific experiences for users. It is a space to meet and encounter, to eat and drink; to watch and wait.
There are carefully identified 38 ports, including 1 le major City-ports and 27 district ports. Four main guiding criteria were used to identify the location: private and public transport accessibility, nature of existing land-use, strategic adjacencies and iconic locations.

Ports were located in places where synergies between adjacent land-uses were identified and where the port could play a major role in connecting the land-uses; a major retail hub with a major public park, a cultural district with a major residential community, etc..
Ports are by nature gateways to the City and iconic locations were identified along the river to re-enforce that role, create a stronger river-scape and unlock the role of ports as development catalysts for wider territories.


One of the key features of the masterplan is to improve transport facilities across, along and around the Moscow River.The design includes a proposal to develop the infrastructure of local metro, bus and tram routes and water transport, a network of active corridors to develop walking and cycling infrastructure both along and on the way to the river, and a series of ports which will connect the major nodes of their masterplan with a ferry and high-speed water transport.
There is also a proposal for a ‘Naturalization of Moscow River’, to create a naturalized edge to the north embankment (or the part of the city) and a number of ecological islands, directed into the southern side of the river bank.



The following matrix summarizes the criteria used for each ports.

The concept implementation plan includes three strategic areas:

  • Intensification acupuncture new river portals

  • Intensifying links: human scale for system development

  • Healthy ecosystem and smart cleaning system

Moscow river future ports

PARTNER IN CHARGE: Yuriy Gregorian
PROJECT LEADER: Edouard Moreau
PROJECT MANAGER: A. Kamyshan, T. Osipova

TEAM: S. Sitar (special exper, texts), R. Kazulin (ecology)

ARCHITECTS: V. Avdeev, E. Goncharova, Z. Dikaya, A. Costanda, M. Smirnova, G. Soshnikov, S. Turchin, D. Ferrari, A. Chechetkina

Year 2014

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